Career FAQ

Career FAQ

How can I apply for a job at Gracedale Nursing Home?

Click here to browse current Gracedale Nursing Home employment opportunities. 

What is the application process?

Once you have selected a career of interest, the website will prompt you of the necessary steps that are required to apply. Please submit a current resume. It is best if this resume is detailed outlining your skills, abilities and employment history. The system will also request that you complete a brief online application.

Upon submitting your resume and application the hiring manager will review and select applicants for whom they wish to interview. If you meet the job criteria and the manager selects your application, a representative from the Human Resources department will contact you to schedule an interview.

What benefits do Gracedale Nursing Home employees receive?

Gracedale is dedicated to providing its employees with a comprehensive benefits package. To learn more about the benefits of working at Gracedale, click here.

Does Gracedale host recruiting events that are open to the public?

Yes. Gracedale organizes recruiting events throughout the year. Visit the Career Resource page to learn more.