We Connect Here.

Get in Touch

We love answering questions about our care facility!

    Contact Gracedale

    Reach out to us with your questions about the quality senior care and assisted living services at Gracedale. Below is our contact information for the main office, admissions, human resources and volunteers.

    Main Office

    Phone: 610.829.3400
    Fax: 610.746.1901

    2 Gracedale Avenue
    Nazareth, PA 18064
    Open 24/7


    Phone: 610.829.3600
    Fax: 610.746.5208
    Email: JStewart@norcopa.gov

    Human Resources

    Phone: 610.829.3580
    Fax: 610.746.1990
    Email: Gracedalehumanresources@norcopa.gov

    Volunteer Services

    Phone: 610.829.3823
    Fax: 610.746.1991
    Email: jrepsher@norcopa.gov

    Make Someone’s Day … Every Day.

    Gracedale has numerous volunteer opportunities available for people of all ages, and we are always looking for groups or individuals to offer their services.


